IGLUNA in Lucerne 16-25 July 2021 | ESA-Match Platform | Upcoming events | News from our members. Subscribe to get our latest news!
CAS in Systems Engineering for Smart industries
Globis Astronautenschule
New educational trail for kids accross the ETH Hönggerberg campus consisting of seven stations with interesting facts about space travel, physics and the planet Mars. Ideal for school classes and children’s events, upon registration only.
The third IGLUNA edition goes hybrid – in Lucerne and online
16-25 July 2021, Lucerne. The Field Campaign of the third edition of IGLUNA will take place this year in a hybrid way. Some student teams will travel to Switzerland and meet in Lucerne, while the others will join online from their respective countries. From 16 to 25 July, they will have the task of testing and demonstrating the technologies they developed during the 2020-2021 academic year around the theme “A space habitat with remote operations”.
Successful IGLUNA Readiness Review
Swiss Trainees at ESA – Webinar
9 June 2021, online. Join us to learn about the exciting projects of our three Swiss trainees selected in 2019 to work at the European Space Agency. Lorenz Affentranger (ESTEC), Timon Schild (Spaceship EAC) and Cyrill Knüsel (ESOC) will share their experience on the missions and studies they are currently working on.