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upcoming events

Aerospace Job Fair

Embark on an aerospace adventure at the “Aerospace Job Fair”. May 22, 2024. Professionals from backgrounds in engineering, science, IT, finance, law, HR, communication and facility management are needed for the growing space sector. Are you a bachelor or master student interested in the space field? Join the Aerospace Job Fair and use the opportunity […]

past events

MINT Vaud 2024

A first in French-speaking Switzerland, MINT Vaud is a fun, interactive fair designed to get children and teenagers in grades 5-8 (8-12) excited about mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology (MINT). We will be there for its first edition that will take place from February 26 to March 3, 2024.

eSpace Seminar

USSF-MIT researchers present their work : AI Technologies and simulation tools for SSA – Space Sustainability and Policy. Join the online seminar on January 24, 16:15-17:15 CET.

Space Innovation Annual Assembly

The next Space Innovation Annual Assembly will take place on Tuesday February 6th at 14:00 at EMPA. The meeting will include a review of the activities of Space Innovation, a message from the Steering Committee, as well as presentations from members. It will be followed by a networking aperitif. Optional Visit of EMPA from 11:00 […]

EPFL Space Center – 20 years Celebration

Join us for a celebration of 20 years of the EPFL Space Center on December 7th @6.30pm-9.00pm ! Since 2003, we have sent a CubeSat into space, hosted and launched startups such as ClearSpace and the Space Sustainability Rating, guided student teams to win international competitions and to send a computer into space, and awarded […]

9T Labs to Host the Composites United Innovation Day Event in Zürich

9T Labs AG, a pioneering force in digital, automated, and cost-efficient serial production of continuous fiber components, will host Composites United Innovation Day on September 21, 2023, at its headquarter in Zürich, Switzerland. The event will focus on the theme of “Innovation through Collaboration,” and will feature presentations and discussions from leading experts in the […]

Conference: Thomas Zurbuchen

“Aiming High: The Story of the James Webb Space Telescope and How it is Changing our View of the Universe” Tuesday, July 11th 2023, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm EPFL Polydôme Auditorium Registration Thomas Zurbuchen is the longest continually running Head of Science at NASA from 2016 to 2022. Previously Professor for Space Science and […]

CYSAT 2023 – APRIL 26-27, 2023

The biggest European event entirely dedicated to Cybersecurity for the space industry, organized by CYSEC, will take place in Paris on April 26-27th, 2023. Today, many critical services on Earth depend on the collection and transmission of data by satellites. According to Allied Market Research, downstream services relying on satellite data will represent a $19,36B […]

Space Community Days Switzerland – April 25-26, 2023

Challenges and opportunities in the space field. Practical and useful information for space industries and newcomers in the domain. ! This event is dedicated to Swiss organisations with invited international speakers ! The event will be held at BernExpo on April 25-26 and will offer: Presentations over 2 days: the agenda might be subject to […]

Annual Assembly

24 January 2023, EPFL Lausanne. The meeting will include a review of the activities of Space Innovation, a message from the Board of Directors and the Steering Committee, as well as presentations from members. It will be followed by a networking aperitif. Check out the webpage!

Café des Sciences: Space Exploration and Sustainability – November 25, 2022

Outer space has become an increasingly important resource for the Earth. Thousands of satellites orbit the Earth, providing social, scientific, and economic benefits to people on the ground. However, the rapid growth in the space industry poses challenges to space sustainability, which call for international collaborations. Prof. Jean-Paul Kneib, Director, EPFL Laboratory of Astrophysics & […]

Switzerland & Italy : Together in Space – December 15, 2022

The Italian government has established the National Day of Space on December 16. On the day before, in 1964, Italy launched the S. Marco 1 satellite, becoming the third country to have space capabilities. In order to celebrate the third edition of the Italian National Day of Space in Switzerland, the Italian Embassy in Bern […]

4th CASSINI Hackathon: EU Space Data for the Financial World

Taking place between the 4-6th November 2022, “Space for the Financial World” will be held online and in-person at 10 locations in Europe. In Switzerland, the event will be hosted by Space4Impact in Zürich. This is an exciting opportunity for participants, with prizes to support the development of the winning pitches.

ESA’s Industry Space Days

Join prospective customers and partners at ESA’s Industry Space Days for two days of intense networking on 28 – 29 September. Do not forget to register now to meet members of the European space community at ESA/ESTEC (Noordwijk, The Netherlands), showcase products and services in an industry exhibition and listen to presentations by ESA top-level […]


28 March – 1 April, EPFL, Lausanne. SATW and its partners offer you a special week dedicated to space. Join us to discover the actors who contribute to make Switzerland a space nation. The global space industry is booming. Half a century after the first space race that led mankind to set foot on the […]


18-19 March 2022, SwissTech Convention Center, Lausanne.  Take an incredible journey through the past, current, and future of human space flight and space exploration, as we tell the continuing story of humankind’s greatest adventure. From the APOLLO program through to present day NASA and global space agencies commitment to landing humans including the first woman, […]

Successful Annual Assembly 2021

We warmly thank all those who came to our Annual Assembly 2021 on Wednesday 8 December at EPFL. It was a successful edition and we look forward to future projects with the space community! If you couldn’t join us on site, we invite you to watch the video recording here.

Annual Assembly 2021

8 December, EPFL Lausanne. The meeting will include a review of the activities of Space Innovation, a message from the Board of Directors and the Steering Committee, as well as presentations from members. It will be followed by a small networking lunch. Register now!


3-5 December 2021, online. Step on board as we set on a journey to advance the field of space exploration! The hackathon will bring together professionals and space enthusiasts to explore many exciting topics. Organized by the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine in cooperation with Garage48 and SpaceOn.

Webinar “Experience and Outlook on IOD in Switzerland”

8 September 2021 at 16.00 CET, online. Speakers: Fabien Droz, Head of Instrumentation Activity at CSEM SA, “Why invest in an IOD?” / Reto Muff, Chief Technical Officer at Thales Alenia Space Switzerland Ltd, “IOD of an Optical Freespace Communication System for Small Satellites” / Veronica La Regina, CEO – Nanoracks Space Outpost Europe srl, “Affordable and valuable […]

Scientifica 2021

4-5 September 2021, Zürich. “Can humans survive on other planets, and if so, how?” Space Innovation is taking part this year again in the Zürich Science Days on the topic of Life on other planets. The 2021 edition of Scientifica aims to show how nature inspires research and how we perceive and shape nature and […]

Space Innovation in St-Luc for the OFXB Anniversary

31 July – 1 August 2021, St-Luc. After a restricted edition in 2020, St-Luc (Valais) is celebrating this year for an entire week the anniversary of its observatory with events such as a conference with Michel Mayor, sun observations and an exhibition. We have been invited to conduct an activity for families consisting of building […]

Swiss Trainees at ESA – Webinar

9 June 2021, online. Join us to learn about the exciting projects of our three Swiss trainees selected in 2019 to work at the European Space Agency. Lorenz Affentranger (ESTEC), Timon Schild (Spaceship EAC) and Cyrill Knüsel (ESOC) will share their experience on the missions and studies they are currently working on.

#CASSINI Hackathon

18-20 June 2021, online. Join the first CASSINI Hackathon and start digitising our green spaces! The event is taking place simultaneously throughout 10 European countries. Initiative launched by the European Commission, Swiss edition coordinated by Space4Impact.

#PLASUS21 Workshop

29 April 2021, online. The workshop #PLASUS21 – „Planetary Sustainability 21: Challenges, Opportunities and Necessities” connects space & global sustainability, key space actors and sustainability thinkers. Speakers from the Space4Impact initiative, EPFL, Universities of Bern and Zürich, ClearSpace, Eawag, Federal Department for Foreign Affairs and more. Registration mandatory.

ESA Astronaut Selection – Swiss national Event

27 April 2021, online. The Swiss Space Office of the SERI and ESA are organizing a national event to provide potential applicants from Switzerland with details about the requirements and the application process. Two astronauts will share their experiences during their space missions and the training, and in general talk about the daily life of […]


17-19 March 2021, online. The first European event around cybersecurity for commercial space, co-organized by CYSEC and AP-Swiss, gathering leading players to discuss challenges and solutions related to cyber risks in Space. With the participation of our colleague Julien Bonnaud, Friday 19 March, 14.00.

Sustainable Space Logistics – Digitial Symposium

16-18 February 2021, online. EPFL Space Center is organizing in collaboration with several space entities – including Space Innovation – a 3-day digital symposium on Sustainable Space Logistics with space and sustainability experts, as well as observers from outside the space area.

SSC Annual Assembly

Our Annual Assembly 2020 will take place on the 8 December 2020 in order to present our projects and activities of the past year and give an outlook on the projects planned in 2021. This year, the event is open to our members only.

Space4Impact Kick-off Event

25-26 November 2020, online. Space4Impact aims to promote New Space technologies and boost the NewSpace ecosystem for a more sustainable future. The event will gather policy makers, investors, NewSpace entrepreneurs. A pitch competition as well as B2B meetings will take place.

Swiss Space Days 2020

9-10 November, online. The Swiss Space Days offer a platform to exchange experiences and to support cooperation. It is dedicated to Swiss organizations and aims to give an insight into the evolution of the Space activites & related challenges in the next decade with prominent speakers and offers B2B meetings.

Be a Star in ESA’s Universe

Join our online space career events “Be a Star in ESA’s Universe” on Cybersecurity (26.10), Space Law (27.10), Life Support Systems (28.10), Robotics and Photonics (02.11) and Exoplanets (03.11) to meet experts from ESA and swiss space actors !

Air & Space Days – Verkehrshaus Lucerne

9-11 October 2020 : Join us at the The Air & Space Days at the Swiss Museum of Transport. The event offers lots of ways of exploring aviation and space travel in all its aspects. The focus is on the world of flight and includes information on becoming a pilot, as well as tours of […]

Paper Rocket Activity in St-Luc

On the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the François-Xavier Bagnoud Observatory in St-Luc (Valais), the Swiss Space Center has been invited to conduct our paper rocket activity from the 31st of July until the 2nd of August.

IGLUNA 2020 Virtual Field Campaign

10-19 July 2020 : The 15 IGLUNA teams will virtually demonstrate their technologies for a space habitat to sustain life in an extreme environment by remote control, together with public presentations of space experts and special guests.

“The Space you need” – Workshop by the UZH Space Hub

[Postponed] Wednesday April 8, from 14:00 to 16:30, online on Zoom: Through this event, the UZH Space Hub would like to advise the Space Community about the current space opportunities and funding offered not only by ESA, but also by the Horizon Europe program. With the presence of the Swiss Space Center, Euresearch and ESA […]

Igluna Field Campaign

Save the date ! From the 17 June until the 3 July, visit the project teams in the village of Zermatt and at the Glacier Palace (Klein Matterhorn). This is the unique opportunity to discover the result of their one-year commitment to build a space habitat concept.

ClearSpace will use Minority Report technology from EPFL

ClearSpace will use Minority Report technology from EPFL Satellites are open to attack. All communications systems are vulnerable to hackers by definition, and are protected accordingly, with hardware and software. However, because they reside outside the protection of the Earth’s atmosphere, satellites are perhaps exposed to the mightiest and most unpredictable hacker of all: the […]

SwissCube completes 15 years of mission!

Sent into orbit for a mission that was meant to last three of four months, SwissCube has completed 15 years of active service! This makes it the third oldest CubeSat still to be sending telemetry. Read on at eSpace

Beyond Gravity is hiring

Our member Beyond Gravity is hiring! Great job opportunities in Switzerland for the space sector, we strongly encourage you to apply.

Aerospace Job Fair

Embark on an aerospace adventure at the “Aerospace Job Fair”. May 22, 2024. Professionals from backgrounds in engineering, science, IT, finance, law, HR, communication and facility management are needed for the growing space sector. Are you a bachelor or master student interested in the space field? Join the Aerospace Job Fair and use the opportunity […]

MINT Vaud 2024

A first in French-speaking Switzerland, MINT Vaud is a fun, interactive fair designed to get children and teenagers in grades 5-8 (8-12) excited about mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology (MINT). We will be there for its first edition that will take place from February 26 to March 3, 2024.

eSpace Seminar

USSF-MIT researchers present their work : AI Technologies and simulation tools for SSA – Space Sustainability and Policy. Join the online seminar on January 24, 16:15-17:15 CET.

Space Innovation Annual Assembly

The next Space Innovation Annual Assembly will take place on Tuesday February 6th at 14:00 at EMPA. The meeting will include a review of the activities of Space Innovation, a message from the Steering Committee, as well as presentations from members. It will be followed by a networking aperitif. Optional Visit of EMPA from 11:00 […]

Newsletter December 2023

Job opportunities| Events | Thank you. Subscribe to get our latest news!

EPFL Space Center – 20 years Celebration

Join us for a celebration of 20 years of the EPFL Space Center on December 7th @6.30pm-9.00pm ! Since 2003, we have sent a CubeSat into space, hosted and launched startups such as ClearSpace and the Space Sustainability Rating, guided student teams to win international competitions and to send a computer into space, and awarded […]

Space Sustainability Course: How to design more sustainable missions?

New continuing education course on space sustainability: “How to measure, analyse and act towards more sustainable space missions.” This course will take place from March 19-21, 2024. Join the online informational session, November 28, 13:00-14:00 CET.

Newsletter November 2023

Call for abstract | Upcoming events | Space sustainability. Subscribe to get our latest news!

Cosmos Club Program 2024

The program for the COSMOS CLUB 2024 lecture series is out!

CSEM Photonic Day – December 6, 2023

Learn more about the latest technology trends in photonics, new market opportunities, CSEM photonics technologies and gain insight on the strategic road map of the EU in the field of photonics!

ESA and Swatch: a stellar partnership

A new collaboration between ESA and Swiss watchmaker Swatch allows space fans to design their own space-themed watch using stunning images from space telescopes.

Newsletter September 2023

ESA call | Training | Upcoming events | News from our members. Subscribe to get our latest news!

9T Labs to Host the Composites United Innovation Day Event in Zürich

9T Labs AG, a pioneering force in digital, automated, and cost-efficient serial production of continuous fiber components, will host Composites United Innovation Day on September 21, 2023, at its headquarter in Zürich, Switzerland. The event will focus on the theme of “Innovation through Collaboration,” and will feature presentations and discussions from leading experts in the […]

Conference: Thomas Zurbuchen

“Aiming High: The Story of the James Webb Space Telescope and How it is Changing our View of the Universe” Tuesday, July 11th 2023, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm EPFL Polydôme Auditorium Registration Thomas Zurbuchen is the longest continually running Head of Science at NASA from 2016 to 2022. Previously Professor for Space Science and […]

Newsletter June 2023

Events | Job opportunities | Training. Subscribe to get our latest news!

Newsletter April 2023

Upcoming events | Call for abstracts | News from our members. Subscribe to get our latest news!

CYSAT 2023 – APRIL 26-27, 2023

The biggest European event entirely dedicated to Cybersecurity for the space industry, organized by CYSEC, will take place in Paris on April 26-27th, 2023. Today, many critical services on Earth depend on the collection and transmission of data by satellites. According to Allied Market Research, downstream services relying on satellite data will represent a $19,36B […]

Space Community Days Switzerland – April 25-26, 2023

Challenges and opportunities in the space field. Practical and useful information for space industries and newcomers in the domain. ! This event is dedicated to Swiss organisations with invited international speakers ! The event will be held at BernExpo on April 25-26 and will offer: Presentations over 2 days: the agenda might be subject to […]

Newsletter February 2023

Events | Call for abstracts | Call for ideas | News from our members. Subscribe to get our latest news!

Annual Assembly

24 January 2023, EPFL Lausanne. The meeting will include a review of the activities of Space Innovation, a message from the Board of Directors and the Steering Committee, as well as presentations from members. It will be followed by a networking aperitif. Check out the webpage!

Newsletter December 2022

News from our partners | Past and Upcoming events | Annual Assembly. Subscribe to get our latest news!

Café des Sciences: Space Exploration and Sustainability – November 25, 2022

Outer space has become an increasingly important resource for the Earth. Thousands of satellites orbit the Earth, providing social, scientific, and economic benefits to people on the ground. However, the rapid growth in the space industry poses challenges to space sustainability, which call for international collaborations. Prof. Jean-Paul Kneib, Director, EPFL Laboratory of Astrophysics & […]

Switzerland & Italy : Together in Space – December 15, 2022

The Italian government has established the National Day of Space on December 16. On the day before, in 1964, Italy launched the S. Marco 1 satellite, becoming the third country to have space capabilities. In order to celebrate the third edition of the Italian National Day of Space in Switzerland, the Italian Embassy in Bern […]

eSpace Webinar – Nov. 14th, 16h00 – Solar System Objects (SSOs) Pipeline for the Euclid Mission

On November 14th, 16:00-17:00, webinar : Solar System Objects (SSOs) Pipeline for the Euclid Mission, by Aurelien Verdier. During this webinar, you will see how a pipeline for a spatial mission at ESA is developed, from the definition of the goal to the implementation, and all the challenges we had to face. The talk will […]

Funding for Swiss Space Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

On the 6th of December 2022, 16:30 – 18:00, the Innovation Office of the University of Bern in collaboration with Euresearch and ESA BIC Switzerland are organising an event to present an overview of funding and support opportunities for space research and business in Switzerland.

Newsletter October 2022

Upcoming events | News from our partners | Call for startups | Members Profiles. Subscribe to get our latest news!

4th CASSINI Hackathon: EU Space Data for the Financial World

Taking place between the 4-6th November 2022, “Space for the Financial World” will be held online and in-person at 10 locations in Europe. In Switzerland, the event will be hosted by Space4Impact in Zürich. This is an exciting opportunity for participants, with prizes to support the development of the winning pitches.

Precision Mechanisms & Structures Interest Group

PRECISION MECHANISMS & STRUCTURES INTEREST GROUP roundtable. Precision Mechanisms & Structures Interest Group Roundtable 12 October 2022 at 17.00-20.30 CEST Location: FHNW Olten Open to the Space Innovation Members After two years of online meetings, we have the pleasure to announce a new edition of our roundtable related to precision mechanisms and structures for space [...]

New Call for Ideas open

Space Innovation is initiating a new Call for Ideas to foster low Technology Readiness Level (typically TRL 1-2) research and development studies related to space activities.

New edition of the Members’ Profiles available

A new edition of our Members’ Profiles is now online. It includes a new entity, Art of Technology, that has joined our network this year.

Newsletter July 2022

Roundtable | News from our members | Space exploration | Events. Subscribe to get our latest news!

CAS Systems Engineering for Smart Industries

You can still register for the CAS Systems Engineering training starting in August! It offers advanced training in complex system description, development and verification for engineers. At the same time, it prepares engineers for leading roles within increasingly interdisciplinary and complex system tasks.

ExoLabs is looking for a Geo Data Scientist / Engineer

Join the team of ExoLabs (, a dynamic company specialized in the development of remote sensing solutions. ExoLabs is a spin-off of the University of Zürich, founded in 2017. You will be involved in the exploration and testing of new technological solutions that leverage spatial data to solve problems of public administrations. The objective is […]

A look back at the first edition of the Swiss Space Week 2022

A special week to highlight the actors who contribute to making Switzerland a space nation and support the next generation of space scientists. A Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences SATW event co-organized with different partners.

ESA Opportunity for Reserve Pool of Science Activities for ISS

ESA invites the European science and research community to submit ideas for innovative research activities that can be undertaken on the ISS.

ESA Opportunity for Reserve Pool of Science Activities for the Moon

ESA invites the European science and research community to submit ideas for innovative research activities that can be undertaken at the Moon.

ESA’s Industry Space Days

Join prospective customers and partners at ESA’s Industry Space Days for two days of intense networking on 28 – 29 September. Do not forget to register now to meet members of the European space community at ESA/ESTEC (Noordwijk, The Netherlands), showcase products and services in an industry exhibition and listen to presentations by ESA top-level […]

Internship opportunity at SpacePNT+

Internship position opportunity at SpacePNT who is a leading Swiss company based in Neuchâtel.

Newsletter May 2022

Space exploration | Upcoming events | Training. Subscribe to get our latest news!


28 March – 1 April, EPFL, Lausanne. SATW and its partners offer you a special week dedicated to space. Join us to discover the actors who contribute to make Switzerland a space nation. The global space industry is booming. Half a century after the first space race that led mankind to set foot on the […]


18-19 March 2022, SwissTech Convention Center, Lausanne.  Take an incredible journey through the past, current, and future of human space flight and space exploration, as we tell the continuing story of humankind’s greatest adventure. From the APOLLO program through to present day NASA and global space agencies commitment to landing humans including the first woman, […]

Newsletter March 2022

Events | Workshop | New online course. Subscribe to get our latest news!

Newsletter February 2022

News from our members | Former student success story SanoSat-1 into SSO orbit | Overview of our members. Subscribe to get our latest news!

New edition of the Members’ Profiles available

The fourth edition of our Members’ Profiles is now online. Five new entities have joined our network this year: Coactum, CompPair, Kistler, Syderal Swiss and the Swiss Armed Forces.

Newsletter December 2021

Successful Annual Assembly | Welcome to our five new members | Open calls and opportunities at ESA. Subscribe to get our latest news!

Successful Annual Assembly 2021

We warmly thank all those who came to our Annual Assembly 2021 on Wednesday 8 December at EPFL. It was a successful edition and we look forward to future projects with the space community! If you couldn’t join us on site, we invite you to watch the video recording here.

Newsletter November 2021

Webinar by Kistler on on electric motor testing for aerospace application | Register to our Annual Assembly on Wednesday 8 December 2021. Subscribe to get our latest news!

IGLUNA at the International Astronautical Congress #IAC

Over the years, several IGLUNA teams from many countries have submitted papers for the IAC to present the technologies they have developped. Click here to read the articles!

Annual Assembly 2021

8 December, EPFL Lausanne. The meeting will include a review of the activities of Space Innovation, a message from the Board of Directors and the Steering Committee, as well as presentations from members. It will be followed by a small networking lunch. Register now!

Newsletter October 2021

Join us for our Annual Assembly on the 8 December 2021 at EPFL | Opportunities for start-ups | News from our members. Subscribe to get our latest news!


3-5 December 2021, online. Step on board as we set on a journey to advance the field of space exploration! The hackathon will bring together professionals and space enthusiasts to explore many exciting topics. Organized by the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine in cooperation with Garage48 and SpaceOn.

Space2Earth Accelerator – New initiative by Space4Impact

Get ready for lift-off! In January 2022 Space4Impact will kick-off it’s first acceleration program for downstream space applications. The Space2Earth Accelerator will bring together space startups and strategic partners across industries. Join the call for startups and apply starting 7th October 2021!

Newsletter September 2021

Webinar IGLUNA “Outcome and next steps” | Space2Earth Accelerator | Save the date for our Annual Assembly | News from our members. Subscribe to get our latest news!

Start of the lecture “Space Research and Exploration” at ETH Zürich

A new lecture has started during the Autumn semester 2021 at ETH Zürich: “Space Research and Exploration”. The lecture series is hosted by Prof. Sascha P. Quanz in the presence of several renowned speakers from the space sector ready to share their knowledge and passion with the students: – Andrea Fortier, University of Bern – […]

“IGLUNA 2021 student projects: Outcome and next steps” – Webinar

23 September 2021, online. During this webinar, the IGLUNA 2021 student teams will pitch their projects, sharing their Field Campaign results and next steps. Join us to interact with all the student teams and get to know their projects, expand your network, share your expertise, and explore potential collaborations with the students!

Webinar “Experience and Outlook on IOD in Switzerland”

8 September 2021 at 16.00 CET, online. Speakers: Fabien Droz, Head of Instrumentation Activity at CSEM SA, “Why invest in an IOD?” / Reto Muff, Chief Technical Officer at Thales Alenia Space Switzerland Ltd, “IOD of an Optical Freespace Communication System for Small Satellites” / Veronica La Regina, CEO – Nanoracks Space Outpost Europe srl, “Affordable and valuable […]

Newsletter August 2021

ESA Learning Hub | Scientifica 2021 | Upcoming events | News from our members. Subscribe to get our latest news!

Scientifica 2021

4-5 September 2021, Zürich. “Can humans survive on other planets, and if so, how?” Space Innovation is taking part this year again in the Zürich Science Days on the topic of Life on other planets. The 2021 edition of Scientifica aims to show how nature inspires research and how we perceive and shape nature and […]

Space Innovation in St-Luc for the OFXB Anniversary

31 July – 1 August 2021, St-Luc. After a restricted edition in 2020, St-Luc (Valais) is celebrating this year for an entire week the anniversary of its observatory with events such as a conference with Michel Mayor, sun observations and an exhibition. We have been invited to conduct an activity for families consisting of building […]

Lucerne takes a vacation on the Moon – Press Release

15 July 2021: Lucerne is hosting more than 70 international students until the 25 July to present and test innovative technologies during the IGLUNA Field Campaign. Together they sketch the future of humans in space and on Earth at the dawn of a new space age.

Newsletter June 2021

IGLUNA in Lucerne 16-25 July 2021 | ESA-Match Platform | Upcoming events | News from our members. Subscribe to get our latest news!

CAS in Systems Engineering for Smart industries

The Hochschule Luzern is currently offering a Certificate of Advance Studies (CAS) in Systems Engineering for Smart industries with the Prof. Dr. Gerhard Stefan Székely. From the 23 August 2021 to 10 June 2022. Registration deadline: 2 July 2021.

Globis Astronautenschule

New educational trail for kids accross the ETH Hönggerberg campus consisting of seven stations with interesting facts about space travel, physics and the planet Mars. Ideal for school classes and children’s events, upon registration only.

The third IGLUNA edition goes hybrid – in Lucerne and online

16-25 July 2021, Lucerne. The Field Campaign of the third edition of IGLUNA will take place this year in a hybrid way. Some student teams will travel to Switzerland and meet in Lucerne, while the others will join online from their respective countries. From 16 to 25 July, they will have the task of testing […]

Successful IGLUNA Readiness Review

The IGLUNA 2021 students have successfully completed the Readiness Review. From the 24 May to 4 June, they had to prove to their coach and experts that they were ready for the final step: the Field Campaign.

Swiss Trainees at ESA – Webinar

9 June 2021, online. Join us to learn about the exciting projects of our three Swiss trainees selected in 2019 to work at the European Space Agency. Lorenz Affentranger (ESTEC), Timon Schild (Spaceship EAC) and Cyrill Knüsel (ESOC) will share their experience on the missions and studies they are currently working on.

Extended deadline for the Astronaut Selection

ESA has extended the deadline to apply to the Astronaut selection to the 18 June 2021.

Newsletter May 2021

Join the CASSINI Hackathon! | Swiss Trainees at ESA – Webinar announcement | New opportunities

One week left to apply!

Take your chance and register to the ESA Astronaut Selection. Applications will close on the 28 May 2021.

#CASSINI Hackathon

18-20 June 2021, online. Join the first CASSINI Hackathon and start digitising our green spaces! The event is taking place simultaneously throughout 10 European countries. Initiative launched by the European Commission, Swiss edition coordinated by Space4Impact.

Newsletter April 2021

Astronaut Selection 2021: Information event and Masterclass | Upcoming events. Subscribe to get our latest news!

#PLASUS21 Workshop

29 April 2021, online. The workshop #PLASUS21 – „Planetary Sustainability 21: Challenges, Opportunities and Necessities” connects space & global sustainability, key space actors and sustainability thinkers. Speakers from the Space4Impact initiative, EPFL, Universities of Bern and Zürich, ClearSpace, Eawag, Federal Department for Foreign Affairs and more. Registration mandatory.

ESA Astronaut Selection – Swiss national Event

27 April 2021, online. The Swiss Space Office of the SERI and ESA are organizing a national event to provide potential applicants from Switzerland with details about the requirements and the application process. Two astronauts will share their experiences during their space missions and the training, and in general talk about the daily life of […]

Masterclass with Claude Nicollier

ESA Astronaut Selection 2021 – Are you a scientist, engineer or doctor with a passion for space? Prepare your application with the help of Claude Nicollier and apply for the current ESA Astronaut selection!

New Lecture “Space Research and Exploration” – ETH & UZH

In order to demonstrate the interdisciplinarity of the space research and exploration field, a new lecture series will be proposed to ETH Zürich and University of Zürich students, starting in the autumn semester 2021. The lecture will be especially relevant for third year bachelor students and master students. Coordinated by ARIS and Space Innovation. More […]

Newsletter March 2021

MOOC with Claude Nicollier | New Lecture at ETH Zürich | Upcoming events. Subscribe to get our latest news!


17-19 March 2021, online. The first European event around cybersecurity for commercial space, co-organized by CYSEC and AP-Swiss, gathering leading players to discuss challenges and solutions related to cyber risks in Space. With the participation of our colleague Julien Bonnaud, Friday 19 March, 14.00.

Astronaut Selection 2021

For the first time in 11 years, the European Space Agency will again recruit astronauts. ESA is seeking candidates with a Master’s degree (or higher) and a minimum of three years’ experience in natural science, medicine, engineering, mathematics or computer science. Ambassadors of humanity and pioneers of space exploration, astronauts make us dream and inspire […]

Newsletter February 2021

Astronaut Selection 2021 | IGLUNA Critical Design Review | Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Landing. Subscribe to get our latest news!

Executive Summary 2020

Our Executive Summary summing up our activities of last year is out!

Sustainable Space Logistics – Digitial Symposium

16-18 February 2021, online. EPFL Space Center is organizing in collaboration with several space entities – including Space Innovation – a 3-day digital symposium on Sustainable Space Logistics with space and sustainability experts, as well as observers from outside the space area.

ESA Young Graduate Trainee positions open

ESA is looking for its new Young Graduate Trainees! Vacancies are open until 1st March and are available in engineering, science, IT, natural/social science and business services.

Webinar for Space Mechanisms and Structures

10 February 2021 at 15.00 CET, online: “In-Space Manufacturing: Challenges and Opportunities for Building our 21st Century Future” with Olivier De Weck, Prof. at MIT and EPFL. Restricted to the Swiss Space community.

Newsletter January 2021

Sustainable Space Logistics Symposium | Opportunities for students | CES 2021 | Subscribe to get our latest news!

The Swiss Space Center is now Space Innovation

Press release – 7.01.2021: The space domain is evolving rapidly and the need for disruptive innovation is more important than ever before. To better reflect this new reality, the Swiss Space Center has decided to strengthen the innovation focus of its activities by changing its name to “Space Innovation”. This refocus will allow to best […]

Newsletter December 2020

Daniel Neuenschwander joins our Board of Directors | Thank you and happy new year! | Subscribe to get our latest news !

IGLUNA shooting for the Moon

Press release – 16.12.2020: Nine IGLUNA students presented the initial phase of their lunar mission “SCALE” to a team of ESA specialists involved in the preparation and assessment of the agency’s future space missions. The mission brings together three experiments developed during the 2020 edition of IGLUNA by students from the universities of Berlin, Aachen […]

The IGLUNA platform embarks rovers and space exploration for its 3rd edition

Latest Press release – 24.11.2020: The IGLUNA platform embarks rovers and space exploration forits third edition. More than 200 university students from nine countries have reachedthe first milestone of IGLUNA 2021. Examined by experts frominternational space agencies and industries, they will have to consolidate their innovative space technologies until July 2021 for the test bed […]

Newsletter November 2020

Space4Impact Kick-off Event | Job opportunities | IGLUNA Preliminary Design Review and CDF Study at ESA. Subscribe to get our latest news !

SSC Annual Assembly

Our Annual Assembly 2020 will take place on the 8 December 2020 in order to present our projects and activities of the past year and give an outlook on the projects planned in 2021. This year, the event is open to our members only.

Space4Impact Kick-off Event

25-26 November 2020, online. Space4Impact aims to promote New Space technologies and boost the NewSpace ecosystem for a more sustainable future. The event will gather policy makers, investors, NewSpace entrepreneurs. A pitch competition as well as B2B meetings will take place.

Newsletter October 2020

Career Event | Swiss Space Days | Upcoming events. Subscribe to get our latest news !

Swiss Space Days 2020

9-10 November, online. The Swiss Space Days offer a platform to exchange experiences and to support cooperation. It is dedicated to Swiss organizations and aims to give an insight into the evolution of the Space activites & related challenges in the next decade with prominent speakers and offers B2B meetings.

Be a Star in ESA’s Universe

Join our online space career events “Be a Star in ESA’s Universe” on Cybersecurity (26.10), Space Law (27.10), Life Support Systems (28.10), Robotics and Photonics (02.11) and Exoplanets (03.11) to meet experts from ESA and swiss space actors !

Air & Space Days – Verkehrshaus Lucerne

9-11 October 2020 : Join us at the The Air & Space Days at the Swiss Museum of Transport. The event offers lots of ways of exploring aviation and space travel in all its aspects. The focus is on the world of flight and includes information on becoming a pilot, as well as tours of […]

Newsletter September 2020

Upcoming events | ESA Opportunities for students | News from our members. Subscribe to get our latest news !

New Members Profiles 2020

Get to know the space actors in Switzerland ! This booklet gathers each of our members’ competences and contributions to the growth & excellence of space activities in Switzerland.

We are hiring ! Young Graduate Trainee

Application closed – We are looking for a motivated & dynamic Young Graduate Trainee to complete the Space4Impact team. Duration : 1 September 2020 – 31 January 2021 (6 months)

Newsletter August 2020

We are hiring ! | IGLUNA Closure | Public events | Call for Projects – Asclepios. Subscribe to get our latest news !

Paper Rocket Activity in St-Luc

On the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the François-Xavier Bagnoud Observatory in St-Luc (Valais), the Swiss Space Center has been invited to conduct our paper rocket activity from the 31st of July until the 2nd of August.

IGLUNA 2020 Virtual Field Campaign

10-19 July 2020 : The 15 IGLUNA teams will virtually demonstrate their technologies for a space habitat to sustain life in an extreme environment by remote control, together with public presentations of space experts and special guests.

Rexus-Bexus : Call for proposals now open

ESA is now accepting proposals for the next cycle of the REXUS/BEXUS programme (Rocket and Balloon Experiments for University Students). The programme offers flight opportunities on sounding rockets and stratospheric balloons for experimental payloads designed and developed by university students. Deadline : 14 October 2020.

Newsletter June 2020

IGLUNA Virtual Field Campaign | OSIP open campaigns | ESA BIC Info Event. Subscribe to get our latest news !

Newsletter May 2020

IGLUNA 2021 Call | NTP Positions open at ESA | IGLUNA Virtual Field Campaign | Swiss Space Days. Subscribe to get our latest news !

New NTP positions open for application

Eleven National Trainee Positions at ESA are now open to young Swiss graduates. Application deadline : 10 June 2020.

Newsletter April 2020

MdP Call | Online events | News from our members. Subscribe to get our latest news !

Newsletter March 2020

Events cancellation | MOOC Start | Space Debris Training course at ESA. Subscribe to get our latest news !

MdP 2020 – Call for Proposal

Following the past successful Mesure de Positionnement to promote Swiss competences related to space activities, the Swiss Space Office of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI/SSO) is again initiating a Call for Proposals. [Extended] Submission Deadline: 5th of May 2020

“The Space you need” – Workshop by the UZH Space Hub

[Postponed] Wednesday April 8, from 14:00 to 16:30, online on Zoom: Through this event, the UZH Space Hub would like to advise the Space Community about the current space opportunities and funding offered not only by ESA, but also by the Horizon Europe program. With the presence of the Swiss Space Center, Euresearch and ESA […]

New MOOC Session

Claude Nicollier’s MOOC “Space Mission Design and Operations” has been updated according to the space sector evolution. Next session : 11th March 2020 on EdX.

Newsletter February 2020

New MOOC Session | IGLUNA Midterm Event | MdP 2020. Subscribe to get our latest news !

Solar Orbiter Mission

The ESA solar and heliospheric physics mission will be launched on the 8th of February at 5:15 CET. It gathers 10 instruments from all around Europe, to which several of our members such as the FHNW, Almatech SA, PMOD/WRC Davos and RUAG Space, as well as many other Swiss actors contributed.

Newsletter January 2020

MdP & Call for Ideas Results | Solar Orbiter Launch | Galileo Drawing Competition. Subscribe to get our latest news !

Galileo Drawing Competition

The competition is open for primary school pupils living in Switzerland, Norway and Croatia. The winner from each country will have a Galileo satellite named after them. Submission deadline : 31. January 2020.

Presentation of the new Bartolomeo Platform by Airbus

13 January at UZH : learn more about this new infrastructure launched by Airbus to provide an easier access to ISS for small companies.

Space Technology Studies 2018 : Results

On the 13 February 2020, the results achieved by the consortium selected in the frame of our national activity “Mesures de Positionnement” will be presented to the public.    

ESA Young Graduate Trainee positions are open !

ESA has opened more than 100 positions for Young Graduates. Registration deadline : 15th of December.

Open Call – Austrian Space Application Programme

The Austrian Space Applications Programme ASAP invites Swiss actors to participate in the 16th edition of its Call.

Be a Star in ESA’s Universe

Join our space career events “Be a Star in ESA’s Universe” : 5. November 2019 @ HE-Arc, Neuchâtel / 6. November 2019 @USI Lugano / 7. November 2019 @University of Zurich

SSC Annual Assembly

Join us at our Annual Assembly at the Rolex Learning Center in Lausanne, 3 December 2019

Jeffrey Hoffman – Lectures in Zurich and Lausanne

“Mars, Moxie and the Future of Space Exploration”. 23 September at EPFL, Lausanne and 25 September at ETH, Zurich

Workshop “AI for Space – Why, where and how ?”

Register to our new Continuing Education workshop, taking place on the 8-9th of October at EPFL, Switzerland.

Scientifica – Zürich Science Days

30 August – 1 September, ETH and UZH Zürich

National Trainee Programme 2019

Call for application for the National Trainee Programme 2019 is open until 17 June, 1pm. Discover the 15 open positions now !

Igluna Field Campaign

Save the date ! From the 17 June until the 3 July, visit the project teams in the village of Zermatt and at the Glacier Palace (Klein Matterhorn). This is the unique opportunity to discover the result of their one-year commitment to build a space habitat concept.

IGLUNA 2020 – Call for Proposals

The Call for Proposals for IGLUNA 2020 is now open. Pre-selection is open until 31 May. Submit your project and be part of the next edition of the interdisciplinary platform for future Space and Earth technologies !

Continuing Education “Non Destructive Analysis for Space”

Register to our Continuing Education workshop on the 5th of June in Dübendorf, in collaboration with Empa.

Call for Ideas 2019

Call for proposals – the Call for Ideas 2019 is open from March 11th until April 8th 2019.

MOOC Space Mission Design and Operations

Register now for the MOOC Space Mission Design and Operations with Prof. Claude Nicollier starting on 13 March 2019.

National Information Day “ESA’s scientific programme, H2020-SPACE, PRODEX”

3 April 2019

Space Opportunities with NCCR PlanetS

20 March 2019 at University of Bern.  

International Summer Camps

Apply now for the International Summer Camps 2019 in China, Russia or Austria.

Executive Summary 2018

Our Annual Report 2018 is now published. Enjoy!

MdP 2018 – selection

After the review process, 10 activities were selected for funding. They start officially on November 1st 2018 and will be concluded on January 31st 2020.

SSC Annual Assembly

Zurich, 6 December 2018  

Igluna – a habitat in ice (video kickoff event)

From 12-14 September 2018, the project teams met in Zurich to start working on IGLUNA. Take a look!

Be a Star in ESA’s Universe

Register now for the upcoming space career events “Be a Star in ESA’s Universe”: – 7.11.2018 @ HES-SO Geneva – 8.11.2018 @ ETH Zurich

Space conference: “Teamwork and Leadership in extreme situations”

Get your ticket now for the upcoming space conference on the subject of “leadership and resource management in extreme situations using the example of Apollo 13” taking place at the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne on October 12, 2018.

Igluna – a habitat in ice – has kicked-off

with a message from ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet, the IGLUNA kick-off event has started. The students gathered in Zurich, Switzerland and started to work together on their projects.

We are hiring!

Space Science and Technology Advisor 80-100% We are hiring a Space Science and Technology Advisor. You are a space enthusiast and you have an engineering degree? This is for you!

Remote Sensing 4.0 / Fernerkundung 4.0 / Télédétection 4.0

Register now for the event “Remote Sensing 4.0” taking place in Bern on September 27, 2018. Melden Sie sich jetzt für das Event “Fernerkundung 4.0” am 27 September 2018 in Bern an. Enregistrez maintentant pour la manifestation “télédétection 4.0” qui prendra place à Berne au 27 septembre 2018.

Igluna – a habitat in ice

learn more about our ESA_Lab@ interuniversity demonstrator project.

Swiss Space Center Trailer

take a look at our new trailer video presenting the Swiss Space Center.

A plateform for extracting crucial information from satellite images

A great article of our member Picterra featured in todays EPFL News: “EPFL start-up Picterra has devised a smart system that allows users to analyze drone or satellite images of a given territory: in a few clicks, they can extract information, statistics and representations of changes that have taken place in the area.[…]”

New Working Group on Software for Satellite Operations

The objective of this new working group is to connect the Swiss academy and industrial actors and to provide a platform for promoting common projects, enabling the industrial partners to increase their competitiveness and therefore increase the impact of Swiss software contributions in the space sector.  

from Small Satellites to Planetary Rovers and Rockets – A University Approach

Thursday, 31st May 2018, 5 p.m. ETH Hönggerberg, HIL D 53

Swiss Space Summer Camp

Apply now until June 4 for the Swiss Space Summer Camp from 26 August to 2 September 2018 at ETH Zurich in Switzerland    

International Summer School in Beijing, China

Apply now until April 8 for the International Summer School from 7 July  to 3 August 2018 at Beihang University in Beijing, China.    

BMSTU Moscow Summer School

Apply now until May 15 for the BMSTU Moscow Summer School from 18 to 29 July 2018 at BMSTU in Moscow, Russia.    

National Trainee Programme 2018

Call for application for the National Trainee Programme 2018 is open until 4th of June 2018.

New job at ETH Zurich!

Electronics Engineer for Scientific Instruments in Space. The Aerospace Electronics and Instruments Laboratory (AEIL) of the Institute of Geophysics at ETH Zurich has successfully developed the sensor electronics for ESA LISA Pathfinder mission and NASA InSight mission. AEIL will contribute the Gravitational Reference Sensor Electronics to LISA, the upcoming large ESA mission to detect gravitational […]

Bring your idea to Space!

The Swiss Space Center (SSC) and the European Space Agency (ESA) have joined in partnership to prepare ESA_Lab@CH, an initiative meant to give students the opportunity to develop technologies to sustain life in extreme conditions and beyond Earth. How to design and build a human habitat in Ice? This is the challenge posed by the […]

MOOC 2018 – Space Mission Design and Operations

Learn the concepts used in the design of space missions, manned or unmanned, and operations, based on the professional experience of the lecturer. This Massive Open Online Course start on March 14, 2018 – register now!  

MdP 2018 – Call for Proposal

Following the past four successful editions of the MdP Calls for Proposals (Mesure de Positionnement) launched since 2010 to reinforce the technological and scientific capabilities of Swiss entities in the space sector, the Swiss Space Office of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI/SSO) is again initiating a Call for Proposals in 2018. […]

Workshop on Swiss Space Mechanisms and Components

18 June 2018 in Bern, Switzerland

GEOSchool Day in Bern

6 and 7 June 2018 at BERNEXPO. Register now until 31 March 2018.

International Summer School in Beijing, China

Apply now until April 23 for the International Graduate Summer School in Aeronautics and Astronautics 2018 (IGSS) from 11 – 17 July 2018 at Beihang University in Beijing, China.    

Lift-off apéro by ETH Zurich for the NASA InSight Mars Mission

22 May 2018 at Lichthof / FocusTerra in Zurich, Switzerland

Conférence Thomas Pesquet – 196 jours à bord de la Station spatiale internationale ISS

17 May 2018 at Espace Gruyère in Bulle, Switzerland

Our module at the Tecday Lucerne featured on Nau

Nau visited us during our module “space debris” at the Tecday at Kantonsschule Reussbühl in Lucerne and featured an article on their webpage. Check it out!

Horloges spatiales à l’heure de la 3D

Les horloges atomiques destinées à l’espace peuvent désormais compter sur l’impression 3D, comme l’atteste une recherche dirigée par le Laboratoire Temps Fréquence (LTF) de l’Université de Neuchâtel. Cette technologie a permis de simplifier la fabrication et réduire le poids de cavités micro-ondes, pièces clés de ces garde-temps. Réalisé en partenariat avec l’EPFL et l’entreprise SWISSto12, […]

Apply now for the Tsinghua International Summer School

16 – 27 July 2018 in Beijing, China.   13 special China-focused tracks to choose from Lectures ¦ Interactive Workshops ¦ Field trips ¦ Cultural Activities    

Applications open for ESA’s space debris training course

The Space Debris Training Course  will be hosted at the ESA Academy‘s Training & Learning Centre in ESEC, Redu, Belgium, from 16 to 20 April 2018. University students will be provided with an introduction to the concept of space debris, why it is necessary to address this problem, and how the mitigation policies set by […]

Launch your design to space

ESA has opened a competition for a design that will ornament the fairing of the Soyuz rocket carrying the satellite CHEOPS. The fairing is the outer housing that protects the satellite against the extreme pressure and heat experienced as it punches through Earth’s atmosphere. Those fairings are produced in Switzerland by the company RUAG Space. […]

EMPS workshop

Yverdon,  25-26 April 2018    

Planetary Exploration 2061.

Lausanne, 23-25 April 2018    

Toute une vie avec Claude Nicollier

The RTS programme “Toute une vie” presented Claude Nicollier on January 4th 2018. “Des archives rares, des photos, des documents personnels. Le Suisse de l’Espace, Claude Nicollier parle de son ancêtre le chocolatier Cailler, de sa carrière chez Swissair, de sa vie de famille à Houston et de ses extraordinaires missions avec la navette Challenger.” […]

ICE Cubes Info Event

Zurich, 19 April 2018

Space Technology Studies 2016: results

Lausanne, 13 February 2018    

SSC Annual Assembly

Lausanne, 7 December 2017  

Swiss TechLadies

Swiss TechLadies is a support programme in technics and informatics. The programme consists of a online challenge for all and a mentoring programme for girls. Women working in STEM domaine are welcome to become a mentor and to support young woman on their path to become a professional. More information here (in german).  

Space Career Events

October 2017

Swiss Space Industry Days

Lausanne, 15-16 June 2017

Mission to Mars

Lausanne, 22 June 2017