beyond gravity
Segment   Research Development Production
Earth Observation
Life and Physical Sciences
Satellite-based Applications
Instruments and Payloads
Spacecraft and on-board Equipment
Ground Segment
Materials and Processes
Electronic Components
Basic Research for Space Technology
Small Satellite Activities
"We turn your mission into a success"

Beyond gravity is the number one independent space product supplier and the leading supplier of products for the space industry in Europe, with a growing presence in the United States.

Experience, outstanding reliability, customer focus and a comprehensive, clearly structured product portfolio all make beyond gravity the partner of choice for integrators of satellites and launchers. The skills and services beyond gravity offers cover all the essential aspects of space projects, ranging from mission analysis, systems engineering and project management through engineering services, assembly and integration, to support and testing at the launch site.

Field of Expertise
  • Launcher Structures & Separation Systems
  • Satellite Structures, Mechanisms & Mechanical Equipment
  • Digital Electron
  • Testing Services for Aerospace and Industrial Applications
  • Development and manufacturing of payload fairings for the Ariane, Vega
    and Atlas programs
  • Providing satellite structures and dispensers for OneWeb - aiming to secure global broadband internet service
  • Static load test of interstage adapters and payload fairings for the Ariane, Vega and Atlas programs
  • Environmental tests for CHEOPS (CHaracterising ExOPlanet Satellite) mission