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Space Opportunities with NCCR PlanetS


Space Opportunities with NCCR PlanetS

20 March 2019

This joint event between the NCCR PlanetS and the Swiss Space Center will present the opportunities of funding technology transfer and new ideas in the space domain. It will be focused on the Technology Platform of the NCCR PlanetS and the “Call for Ideas 2019” which will be open on the Swiss Space Center website on March 11th. It will also include testimonials from previous participants of these initiatives followed by a Q&A session and a networking coffee.

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University of Bern

Kuppelraum (Room Nr. 501)

Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern

Registration is closed.

In case you still want to participate to the event. Please contact Mr Julien Bonnaud directly here.


by the Swiss Space Center


by the European Space Agency