ExoLabs is looking for a Geo Data Scientist / Engineer

Join the team of ExoLabs (exolabs.ch), a dynamic company specialized in the development of remote sensing solutions. ExoLabs is a spin-off of the University of Zürich, founded in 2017.
You will be involved in the exploration and testing of new technological solutions that leverage spatial data to solve problems of public administrations. The objective is to identify new services or to optimize existing processes in public administrations in areas such as land management, environmental monitoring, or statistics.

ESA’s Industry Space Days

Join prospective customers and partners at ESA’s Industry Space Days for two days of intense networking on 28 – 29 September. Do not forget to register now to meet members of the European space community at ESA/ESTEC (Noordwijk, The Netherlands), showcase products and services in an industry exhibition and listen to presentations by ESA top-level management about future business opportunities.