New Call for Ideas open

Space Innovation is initiating a new Call for Ideas to foster low Technology Readiness Level (typically TRL 1-2) research and development studies related to space activities.

Rexus-Bexus : Call for proposals now open

ESA is now accepting proposals for the next cycle of the REXUS/BEXUS programme (Rocket and Balloon Experiments for University Students). The programme offers flight opportunities on sounding rockets and stratospheric balloons for experimental payloads designed and developed by university students. Deadline : 14 October 2020.

MdP 2020 – Call for Proposal

Following the past successful Mesure de Positionnement to promote Swiss competences related to space activities, the Swiss Space Office of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI/SSO) is again initiating a Call for Proposals. [Extended] Submission Deadline: 5th of May 2020

Space Technology Studies 2018 : Results

On the 13 February 2020, the results achieved by the consortium selected in the frame of our national activity “Mesures de Positionnement” will be presented to the public.



National Trainee Programme 2019

Call for application for the National Trainee Programme 2019 is open until 17 June, 1pm. Discover the 15 open positions now !

IGLUNA 2020 – Call for Proposals

The Call for Proposals for IGLUNA 2020 is now open. Pre-selection is open until 31 May. Submit your project and be part of the next edition of the interdisciplinary platform for future Space and Earth technologies !

Call for Ideas 2019

Call for proposals – the Call for Ideas 2019 is open from March 11th until April 8th 2019.

MdP 2018 – Call for Proposal

Following the past four successful editions of the MdP Calls for Proposals (Mesure de Positionnement) launched since 2010 to reinforce the technological and scientific capabilities of Swiss entities in the space sector, the Swiss Space Office of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI/SSO) is again initiating a Call for Proposals in 2018.

Submission Deadline: 25 April 2018

Horloges spatiales à l’heure de la 3D

Les horloges atomiques destinées à l’espace peuvent désormais compter sur l’impression 3D, comme l’atteste une recherche dirigée par le Laboratoire Temps Fréquence (LTF) de l’Université de Neuchâtel. Cette technologie a permis de simplifier la fabrication et réduire le poids de cavités micro-ondes, pièces clés de ces garde-temps. Réalisé en partenariat avec l’EPFL et l’entreprise SWISSto12, le projet a bénéficié d’un soutien de CHF 250’000 du Swiss Space Office de la Confédération. Les résultats, qui ont dépassé les attentes des scientifiques, seront présentés le 13 février au Swiss Space Center de l’EPFL. […]

Launch your design to space

ESA has opened a competition for a design that will ornament the fairing of the Soyuz rocket carrying the satellite CHEOPS.

The fairing is the outer housing that protects the satellite against the extreme pressure and heat experienced as it punches through Earth’s atmosphere. Those fairings are produced in Switzerland by the company RUAG Space.

CHEOPS is an ESA satellite mission to study Exo-planets.

Further details about the competition can be found here. Competition rules and guidelines are published here.